The Teddy Bear Line

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The Bears on the line

This page features the bears that run the Teddy Bear Line and those that appear or help.


Kipling 1 & 2 were the first Directors of the line.

They were later joined by Kipling 3.


Desmond is the guard. As he is the tallest, he is always at the back of the last truck.


The other main bears on the line include Crystal, Valentine, Britannia, Lady Heartland, Lady Winter and  Tess, along with recent additions Suki and Butterscotch.

There are more small bears around who occasionally join the trains on busy days.


Patch, Winslow 1 (Smutty Face) and Winslow 2 oversee line and scenery construction.

Engine Driver

Casey (as in Casey Jones!) is an engine driver… or at least he has the hat to prove it.